returns & exchange
You must return your order to us without undue delay and no later than 14 days after you have informed us that you want to cancel your purchase.
Register your return here After your registration, you will receive a return label via e-mail. Return cost 7 EUR per request, which is discounted from the refund amount.
When you return a product, you must complete the returns form (enclosed in your parcel) and package it together with the product you wish to return. When completing a return, you are responsible for ensuring that the parcel is packaged responsibly. Please be aware that old parcel labels must not be visible.
If you wish to exchange your item for a different size or another product, you can speed up the process by placing a new order online whilst returning your item.
If you want to exchange your item(s) by sending it back to us, please return the item(s) and place a new order. Above you can see the different steps when returning.